

Launching robotics successfully

24. November 2018

Robotics is not a universal remedy for everything, but it is still wonderful. Its full potential can only be tapped under the right conditions. Identifying processes, involving stakeholders, allaying fears and piloting are the foundations of a make or not-make decision.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the automation of simple routine tasks. The software robot simulates a person with mouse clicks and keystrokes, so that existing programs can be used in an automated fashion. Workflows are mapped in an intuitive interface by standardised flowcharts. Processes with simple sets of rules and those that are implemented in third-party systems are particularly suitable for implementation by RPA.

The pilot

The first, positive results of a pilot validate the business case and have a significant impact on further resource planning. Quickwins are achieved in particular by replacing less complex and more frequent processes. Processes that are too complex require elaborate modelling and have an increased error potential due to their usually long process chain.

IT involvement

Process automation without IT resources – is that possible? The modelling and implementation require no IT capacities, although the supplies such as system access need to be provided by IT. Early coordination is recommended to identify internal hurdles and solve them before implementation. Just like a clerk, the robot is dependent on the applications it works with. Continuous processing by ROBOTICS can only be carried out if the applications are fully available. Systems are frequently shut down for maintenance or nightly processing runs. In consultation with the IT department, it is possible in many cases to extend the system availability.

Change management

ROBOTICS has a direct influence on the way employees work and on their fears. They are relieved of simple, repeatable and monotonous tasks. The efficiency gains can be used for qualitative clerical processing. Transparent communication about the procedure and objectives removes the fear of the “robot” and can motivate participants from specialist areas to actively participate in finding solutions. In this case, “bottom-up strategies” are recommended in which administrative assistants promote the measures as multipliers, clarify errors or even take over the implementation.

Automatisierung vs. optimisation

In the context of increasingly simpler and faster process automation, the question arises: Does RPA make process optimisation obsolete?
No. In many cases, ROBOTICS addresses the symptoms of historically grown inefficiencies whose processes are functionally oriented instead of process-oriented. Because of long process runtimes, the robot’s full potential cannot be fully developed without continuous process optimisation. Unless individual requirements are scrutinised, there is a risk of unnecessary information collection and consequently the storing of duplicate and non-representative data. Process automation and optimisation are not in competition with one another, but create synergies in process identification and documentation that can be used for faster implementation.


fintus, as a pioneer in automation solutions, uses a proven 6-phase model that addresses all the key elements of a successful RPA implementation.

1. Analysis: Identification and evaluation of use cases
2. Conception: Actual mapping of the processes
3. Implementation: Process modelling
4. Exception handling: Identification and defence against potential errors
5. Testing: Checking test cases on test systems
6. Production and monitoring: Analysis of automation results to apply what has been learned to the next use cases.

„so the question is not IF but WHEN the new era of automation will have full impact on your organization“ (Quote: Deloitte Insight Report)

We are happy to answer your questions personally.


12th of December 2018
Patrick Schöller

More about fintus.