Dear customers, prospective clients, partners and friends,
An eventful 2018 is drawing to a close. We would like to thank you very much for your support and all the experiences this year. Together in 2018 we initiated new projects, completed others, participated in customer events and gained new partners and customers.
It was an eventful year for the fintus team. The teams in Sofia and Frankfurt grew, particularly in the second half of the year. The brand launch of fintus more than stretched Marketing to capacity. Releases 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 in quarters 3 and 4 took our graphical process modelling to further extremes and involved a necessary rework of the data model. Consulting juggled input management, joint modelling of your business processes, and agile multi-project management.
The plan for 2019 is to continue and improve what we started in 2018. Reinforcements in our consulting team will provide tangible relief in the projects. In addition to the relaunch of our user and customer frontend (version 1.2), software development will focus strongly on the topics of reporting/controlling and process optimisation in combination with machine learning and predictive analysis. As a company, we will commence expansion into other EU markets while at the same time concentrating on our values: transparency, willingness to learn, integrity and scalability. We will keep you in the loop.
Our goals continue to be:
Finally, we ask for your understanding that we have decided to refrain from sending the obligatory Christmas cards – your mailrooms probably have more important things to do anyway. Instead, we decided as a team to make a donation to Gemeinnützige Kinder- und Jugendstiftung (Children & youth foundation) and to D64 – Zentrum für Digitale Fortschritt (D64 centre for digital progress).
We wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year 2019.
Your fintus team
17th of December 2018
Benjamin Hermanns