
About fintus

A deep understanding of financial services processes and technical innovation are the code of our DNA.

We automate and digitize the financial industry.

With our software, we digitize, optimize and automate our clients’ business processes.

Modern and automated IT systems can process simple and recurring activities more efficiently and faster than human beings. The fintus Suite digitizes and automates the entire operational processing chain.

In this way, we support established and new market participants in the industry in transforming, networking and automating their everyday processes and information – securely, quickly and fit for the future.

Digital transformation – shaping the future together.

We are part of the finone group

The finone group brings together innovative companies, entrepreneurs and successful brands in the financial industry from the business areas of consulting, digital products & services and software development. With modern, future-oriented software solutions, the group leads banks, leasing and factoring companies and financial service providers to competitive and sustainable success.

Within the group, the brands fintus, finstreet and finted operate independently on the market. fintus, as the market leader for low-code banking solutions for the end2end processes of financial institutions and the nucleus of the finone group.

finstreet, the pioneer of the German financial technology company with in-depth expertise in the business areas of consulting, digital products & services. finted offers specialized processes and technologies for the automation of document-based processes.

VISION: We are a leading provider of digital solutions for the financial industry in DACH.

MISSION: Financial institutions transform their business powered by our solutions. We offer innovative standard and customized software solutions for process automation that inspire prospects, customers and employees.

Current facts and figures of the fintus group

under one roof
affiliated companies
present on site
locations (C/F/M/S/P/V)
more than
satisfied customers
a strong team
employees in DACH
our background
employees in software development worldwide

Our values

Client focus instead of promises

The customers satisfaction is our benchmark. We maintain a trusting relationship with our customers and support them in achieving their individual goals with our software.

Demand a lot, deliver more

We deliver highest quality in our products and projects. We demand continuous improvement, critically examine the process and set ourselves even higher goals.

Vision instead of business-as-usual

We think beyond what our customers can dream of today. We are creating products for the future of the financial industry and understand the customer needs based on continuous exchange.

We achieve great things as one team

We are only able to achieve our goals together. We share knowledge, support each other, cooperate with partners and respond with appreciation to every request for assistance. We find the best talents that complement us.

Different by definition

We are different from classic software manufacturers. We are individual. We are fast. We are diverse. We are hungry. We always go the extra mile for our team and customers. We remain humble and are highly visible.

Focus to save time

We respect the time of our team members and customers. We do not organize any unnecessary meetings. We do not send nonsensical emails for noting or creating meetings without agenda or missing to create the documentation of results. We leave meetings when we do not add value.

Time for a change!